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ACHD District of the Year“photo

Mayers Memorial Healthcare District has just been honored as District of the Year by the Association of California Healthcare Districts. (ACHD) The award was presented at the 65 th Annual Meeting. Board member Beatriz Vasquez and Director of Public Relations, Valerie Lakey were in attendance to accept the award. Vasqez serves on the ACHD board and Governance and Education committees. Lakey serves on the Governance, Advocacy and Healthcare District Law committees.

Nominees must be a member of the Association of California Healthcare Districts and participate in at least one of the ACHD Annual events.

In order to be considered for Healthcare District of the Year, the ACHD Education Committee required that the District identify one or more initiatives implemented to improve the health and well-being of the communities served. MMHD submitted their "Planting Seeds, Growing Our Own" project. Below are two of the questions that were answered and submitted. [Read more...]
